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December 21 2013 6:07 PM

Fight Club your Start-up Project

Our motto : Do more & faster with less

Bringing your project to life !

For us, the most complicated thing for a project holder who has been thinking about his idea for many years and has planned tons of different functionalities / views / usages, is to tell him: ok, your project will be live in 3 days. Usually he come back after a fail and have spent 6 months / 1 year for almost nothing.

He must forget what he has planned for so many years, forget the previous failures.

We are Start-Up projects builders & Hackathon runners, we find the shortest way to build things that can bring value and reflect the true potential of your project, abstracting you from all the technical problems, with some incredible technology potential.

How do we work :

We release a new sprint every 4/5 hours, when working 3 days focus we could deliver up to 15 sprints, that's a run for us, each day is a big step in your project.

Let magic happen !

We have a long experience in building social networks, streaming platforms, billing solutions, social network aggregators, curation tools, etc... We give value to your project just by building it on the fly, step by step.

Our goal is simple: everyone should be proud of what we have built in a 3 day run.

Let's start the challenge.

The Birth

There are some rules for the most successfull "Fight-Club your Project" 3 day run :

  • 1st rule : Be out of your comfort zone: Let's stay up 48h to 72h working, eating, and sleeping in the same area to focus on the goal.
  • 2nd rule : Like childbirth, it could be painful, but no matter what, we have to reach the goal, there is no choice here, so be prepared. ;)
  • 3rd rule: we need good working conditions: good internet connection, comfortable area for working heavily.


While moving forward really quickly you also need to take a step back from time to time, and get market / advisor feedback on what we are building.

So we can build a complete prototype or a product in multiple runs, and at every step you can choose where to go.

  • 3 to 6 x 3-days run to have a fine tuned prototype.
  • 6 to 10 x 3-days run to have a "ready to market" product - if we are not in this mode since the beginning ;).
December 31 2012 4:10 AM

Will your Company survive the Web Revolution ?

Society is changing quickly using Web technology on a global market, those technology are all about interconnection, openness and sharing.

New generation embrace the same values.
You need to modernize your business te be ready for this emerging new world.

Be a Brand : you need to share with your Comunity

With Social Network have emerged Personnal Branding, so use this tools for your business to be a Brand.

  • Customer as Community :
    as a Company Your customer and prospect is your community, you need to share information with them but also let them share about you, each content and information created is more visibility for you, so dynamise your community, create incentive, challenges, community places (Forum, Facebook Page, etc...).
  • Use Blog and Social Network :
    Give informations about what you do, how, and most important why you do it, to associate your brand with your values.

Be Aware

Social networks are really powerfull media to stay connected with your business, you have to know how to extract revelant informations from them.

Be Agile

To stay in touch with your market try to adapt Agile methodology and Lean concepts to your business, core values are :

  • Reactivity :
    Get feedback from your customer as soon as possible.
    Iterate quickly with sprint on your projects to get those feedbacks and avoid trap of complex system without market.

  • Adaptability :
    Do not hesitate to pivot your business to stay in market race. Be focus on your business value, use existing tools for what is outside your core business, and build value on none existing one, or on your process, and try to make them interconnectable.

Be more people centric by empowering People

  • Give your employees and customers a voice, enable bottom-up / transversal communication
  • Enable sharing knowledge / content with Enterprise Social Network
  • Use collaborative user-friendly tools :

Be ready for a global Interconnection ( Business as API )

Imagine your business can be plugged in other businnesses quickly without you have to do anything.
For this, you have to build Web API ( Customer Computers can send you request, your computers will send them back response) around your business.
Even if it is human people processing on each request you can automated process, that's what have done Amazon with the Amazon Mechanical Turk

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